Lace Again as Shoelaces NYT: Possible Answers

Crossword puzzles, especially those featured in the New York Times (NYT), often present solvers with clues that are both intriguing and challenging. One such clue is “Lace again as shoelaces,” which can puzzle even seasoned crossword enthusiasts. This article explores the possible answers to the clue “Lace again as shoelaces NYT“, offering insights into the logic behind each potential solution.

Understanding the Clue: Lace Again as Shoelaces NYT

The clue “Lace again as shoelaces” suggests a process or action involving shoelaces. The phrase “Lace again” implies the act of re-lacing or tightening shoelaces, which leads us to consider words related to this action. In crossword puzzles, it’s common for clues to use indirect language or play on words, which adds to the challenge of finding the correct answer.

Possible Answers


The most common answer for the clue “Lace again as shoelaces” is “RETIE.” This word directly refers to the action of tying shoelaces again, which perfectly aligns with the clue’s implication. In the context of a crossword puzzle, “RETIE” is a concise and fitting answer, often requiring five letters in the grid. It captures the essence of the clue, making it a frequent solution in crossword puzzles.


Another possible answer is “RELOOP.” This term also describes the action of re-lacing or looping shoelaces again. While “RELOOP” may be less commonly used than “RETIE,” it still fits the context of the clue. In certain crossword puzzles, especially those that seek more unique answers, “RELOOP” might be the correct solution, particularly if the puzzle’s structure requires a six-letter word.


“RELACE” is another viable answer to the clue “Lace again as shoelaces.” This word specifically refers to the action of threading or arranging shoelaces through the eyelets of a shoe again. “RELACE” fits neatly into the crossword grid, usually requiring six letters. It’s a straightforward answer that directly relates to the clue, making it a suitable option for solvers.


While less common, “RESTRING” can sometimes be an answer to the clue “Lace again as shoelaces.” This term is more commonly associated with stringing instruments or other items, but it can also apply to the process of re-lacing shoelaces. “RESTRING” is a longer word, requiring eight letters, so it may appear in more complex or larger crossword puzzles.


“TIGHTEN” is another potential answer, though it deviates slightly from the idea of lacing again. This word describes the action of making shoelaces more secure or tight. While it doesn’t directly indicate re-lacing, it can be a possible solution in crossword puzzles where the clue is interpreted more broadly. “TIGHTEN” is a seven-letter word that might be used in puzzles requiring a longer answer.

Contextual Usage in Crosswords

Crossword puzzles rely heavily on wordplay, abbreviations, and alternative meanings to create challenging clues. The clue “Lace again as shoelaces” is a prime example of how a seemingly simple phrase can lead to multiple possible answers, depending on the puzzle’s structure and the surrounding clues. Answers like “RETIE,” “RELOOP,” and “RELACE” are common because they directly address the action of re-lacing, while words like “RESTRING” and “TIGHTEN” may appear in more advanced puzzles with a broader interpretation of the clue.

Factors Influencing the Correct Answer

The correct answer to “Lace again as shoelaces” in a crossword puzzle depends on several factors:

  • Letter Count: The number of letters required by the puzzle grid is the primary determinant. Shorter answers like “RETIE” are common in smaller grids, while longer words like “RESTRING” might be used in more extensive puzzles.
  • Puzzle Difficulty: More challenging puzzles may use less obvious answers, such as “RELOOP” or “TIGHTEN,” to increase the difficulty level for solvers.
  • Surrounding Clues: Cross-referencing with other answers in the grid can help narrow down the possibilities, especially when multiple answers fit the clue’s description.

Final Thoughts

The clue “Lace again as shoelaces NYT” in crossword puzzles can lead to several possible answers, with “RETIE,” “RELOOP,” and “RELACE” being the most common. Other potential solutions like “RESTRING” and “TIGHTEN” may appear depending on the puzzle’s complexity and structure. Understanding the nuances of crossword clues and considering the puzzle’s specific requirements will guide solvers to the correct answer.

Whether you’re a crossword enthusiast or just enjoy solving puzzles occasionally, being familiar with these possible answers can enhance your puzzle-solving experience. As with all crosswords, paying close attention to the number of letters and the context provided by surrounding clues is key to finding the right solution.

FAQs About Lace Again as Shoelaces NYT

1. What does the clue “Lace again as shoelaces” typically mean in a crossword puzzle?
The clue “Lace again as shoelaces” generally refers to the action of re-tying or re-threading shoelaces. Common answers include words like “RETIE,” “RELOOP,” or “RELACE,” all of which describe the process of adjusting or securing shoelaces again.

2. What is the most common answer for “Lace again as shoelaces” in NYT crosswords?
The most common answer for this clue is “RETIE,” which directly refers to the act of tying shoelaces again. It is a five-letter word that fits well in many crossword puzzles, making it a frequent solution for this type of clue.

3. Are there alternative answers to “Lace again as shoelaces” besides “RETIE”?
Yes, other possible answers include “RELOOP,” “RELACE,” and “RESTRING.” Each of these words also describes the action of lacing or securing shoelaces again, though they may vary in length and usage depending on the puzzle’s requirements.

4. How can I determine which answer fits for “Lace again as shoelaces”?
To determine the correct answer, consider the number of letters required by the crossword grid and the surrounding clues. For example, if the grid needs a five-letter word, “RETIE” is likely the correct answer. If more letters are needed, options like “RELACE” or “RESTRING” may fit.

5. Why do crossword puzzles use clues like “Lace again as shoelaces”?
Crossword puzzles use clues like “Lace again as shoelaces” to challenge solvers with wordplay and encourage them to think about common actions in different ways. These clues often require solvers to consider synonyms or variations of everyday actions, adding a layer of complexity to the puzzle.

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