Is a Chatty Catty Crossword: Possible Answers

Crossword puzzles are a beloved pastime for many, offering a challenging yet enjoyable way to exercise the brain. One clue that may stump solvers from time to time is “Is a Chatty Catty.” This phrase can be particularly tricky as it requires thinking about characteristics often associated with both cats and talkative individuals. Below, we explore some possible answers for the clue “Is a Chatty Catty Crossword,” shedding light on potential solutions that might fit the puzzle grid.

Understanding the Clue: Is a Chatty Catty Crossword

Before diving into the possible answers, it’s essential to understand the clue itself. The phrase “Is a Chatty Catty” combines two ideas: one relating to being chatty, or talkative, and the other relating to a cat, often known for being independent and, at times, vocal. The answer to this clue typically involves a word or phrase that captures both of these elements.

Possible Answers

    • One possible answer for “Is a Chatty Catty” is “YAPPER.” This term often refers to someone who talks a lot, particularly in an incessant or annoying manner. While “yapper” is more commonly associated with small, noisy dogs, it can also be applied in a figurative sense to describe a talkative person or animal, including a particularly vocal cat.
    • “Prattler” is another fitting answer. The meaning of “prattle” is to speak incoherently or foolishly for extended periods of time. A “prattler” is someone who engages in this type of talk. This term could be used to describe a cat that meows excessively or a person who engages in a lot of idle chatter.
    • A more straightforward answer might be “TALKER.” This word simply describes someone who talks a lot. While it might seem like a plain answer, it perfectly fits the description of someone or something that is “chatty.” In the context of the clue, it could be used to describe a particularly vocal cat or person.
    • Another possible answer is “GOSSIPER.” Although gossiping is usually associated with humans, the term could be used figuratively to describe a cat that seems to “talk” a lot or engage in excessive vocalization. This word encapsulates the idea of being chatty and can be a playful interpretation when thinking about the clue.
    • “BLABBER” is another term that aligns well with the clue. To “blabber” means to talk foolishly, mindlessly, or excessively. This word might describe a person who can’t stop talking or a cat that seems to have a lot to say, even if it’s just constant meowing.
    • The answer “MEOWER” directly references a cat’s behavior. Cats meow for various reasons—whether they want attention, are hungry, or simply feel like vocalizing. A “meower” would be a fitting answer to describe a cat that is particularly chatty or talkative.
    • “CHATTERBOX” is a colloquial term often used to describe someone who talks a lot and usually without much of a filter. While it’s most commonly applied to people, it could be humorously extended to a particularly vocal cat. The term perfectly captures the essence of being both chatty and a bit overbearing.
    • Lastly, “GABBER” is a potential answer that fits the clue well. A “gabber” is someone who engages in a lot of casual or informal talk. This word carries a connotation of friendly or social conversation, which could apply to a cat that seems particularly eager to communicate.


The clue “Is a Chatty Catty Crossword” presents a unique challenge as it combines the traits of talkativeness and feline behavior. Possible answers such as “YAPPER,” “PRATTLER,” “TALKER,” “GOSSIPER,” “BLABBER,” “MEOWER,” “CHATTERBOX,” and “GABBER” all provide plausible solutions depending on the puzzle’s structure and the number of letters required. Each of these words captures the essence of being chatty while also tying back to the idea of a cat, whether literally or figuratively. When encountering this clue, considering these potential answers can help lead to the right solution, ensuring that you crack the puzzle and fill in the grid with confidence.

FAQs About Is a Chatty Catty Crossword

  1. What does the crossword clue “Is a Chatty Catty” mean?
    • The clue “Is a Chatty Catty” refers to a description that combines the idea of someone or something being talkative (chatty) with the behavior typically associated with a cat (catty). The answer usually involves a term that reflects both characteristics.
  2. What are some common answers for “Is a Chatty Catty” in crosswords?
    • Common answers include words like “YAPPER,” “PRATTLER,” “TALKER,” “GOSSIPER,” “BLABBER,” “MEOWER,” “CHATTERBOX,” and “GABBER.” Each of these words describes a person or animal that is talkative or vocal.
  3. Why is “MEOWER” a fitting answer for this clue?
    • “MEOWER” is a fitting answer because it directly references a cat’s vocal behavior. Cats meow for various reasons, and a particularly vocal cat could be described as a “meower,” which aligns with the idea of being “chatty.”
  4. Can “CHATTERBOX” be used as an answer for “Is a Chatty Catty”?
    • Yes, “CHATTERBOX” is a suitable answer. Although it typically describes a person who talks a lot, it can humorously be applied to a vocal cat, making it a clever solution for the clue.
  5. Is “GOSSIPER” a common crossword answer for “Is a Chatty Catty”?
    • While “GOSSIPER” might not be the most common answer, it is still a valid one. It describes someone who engages in a lot of talk, often about others, and could be used figuratively for a talkative cat.
  6. What should I consider when solving this type of crossword clue?
    • When solving the “Is a Chatty Catty” clue, consider words that describe talkative behavior. Think about terms that could apply to both humans and cats, as well as the number of letters needed to fit the crossword grid.
  7. Why is “YAPPER” a good answer for the clue?
    • “YAPPER” is a good answer because it refers to someone or something that talks a lot, often in a repetitive or annoying manner. While it is commonly associated with small dogs, it can also be used metaphorically for a chatty cat.
  8. Can the answer for “Is a Chatty Catty” vary depending on the crossword puzzle?
    • Yes, the answer can vary depending on the crossword puzzle. The correct answer depends on the number of letters required and the intersecting words in the grid. Always consider the context of the puzzle when choosing an answer.

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