Least Favorable NYT Crossword: Possible Answers

Have you ever found yourself stuck on a crossword clue that seems to point to something negative or unpreferred, like “least favorable”? This kind of clue can leave solvers guessing, as it opens up a range of potential answers that reflect something undesirable or unfavorable. In the New York Times (NYT) crossword, “least favorable” is one such clue that can be tricky, but it has several possible answers that commonly appear in the puzzle.

Let’s dive into the possible answers for the clue “least favorable NYT crossword“, examining their meanings and why they might be used in the context of a crossword puzzle.

Common Answers for “Least Favorable NYT Crossword”

  1. Worst One of the most direct and simple answers for “least favorable” is “worst.” It’s a term we use in everyday language to describe something that’s at the bottom of a ranking, quality, or preference. For example, the worst outcome in a situation is the least favorable result one could imagine. In crossword puzzles, shorter words are often preferred, and “worst” fits neatly into the grid, making it a frequent answer to clues like this.
  2. Bleak Another possible answer is “bleak,” which conveys a sense of something dreary, cold, or hopeless. When something is described as bleak, it suggests a negative, harsh, or unpromising situation. In this sense, it perfectly captures the idea of being “least favorable.” In the context of the NYT crossword, “bleak” is a fitting five-letter answer that matches well with the clue.
  3. Dire The word “dire” is often associated with situations that are desperate, dangerous, or extremely bad. It’s a term that carries a heavy weight of negativity, making it a strong candidate for the answer to a clue like “least favorable.” Whether it’s a dire warning or a dire prediction, this word implies that things are about as unfavorable as they can get. Its short length also makes it a crossword-friendly solution.
  4. Grim Like “bleak,” the word “grim” describes something gloomy or forbidding. A grim situation is one that offers little hope, and thus it’s far from favorable. This four-letter word is a common answer in crossword puzzles due to its simplicity and strong negative connotations. In the context of a clue asking for the “least favorable,” grim is a solid option that puzzle solvers may encounter.
  5. Lesser Sometimes, the answer to “least favorable” might lean toward a comparison, and that’s where “lesser” comes into play. This word is often used to describe something that is lower in quality or importance compared to something else. While it doesn’t carry the same heavy negative tone as words like “worst” or “dire,” it still indicates something that is not ideal or favorable. It’s often used when comparing options or choices that aren’t as desirable as others.

Other Possible Answers

While the above words are common answers for the clue “least favorable,” there are other possibilities that can fit depending on the length of the answer needed and the specific puzzle context.

  1. Inferior The word “inferior” is a strong contender for describing something that is of lower quality or value. It clearly implies that the thing being referenced is not favorable compared to other options. In a crossword puzzle, it might be used when a longer word is required to fit the grid.
  2. Adverse “Adverse” is another good fit for the “least favorable” clue. It means harmful or unfavorable, often used to describe conditions or circumstances that are working against someone. For example, “adverse weather conditions” means weather that is not ideal or even dangerous.
  3. Abysmal The word “abysmal” takes the meaning of least favorable to an extreme. It describes something that is incredibly bad or poor in quality. When something is abysmal, it is at the lowest point of being unfavorable, making it a fitting answer when clues lean toward the worst possible situation.

Why These Words Make Sense

In crossword puzzles, clues often play on common language use, definitions, or wordplay. The answers we’ve explored, like “worst,” “bleak,” “dire,” and “grim,” all make sense because they reflect clear and well-known meanings of unfavorable or undesirable situations. They’re also relatively short and easy to fit into the puzzle’s grid, which is a key factor in crossword design.

In the case of longer words like “inferior” or “abysmal,” these answers might appear in more challenging or thematic crossword puzzles where the solver is expected to stretch their vocabulary a bit more. The key here is that all of these answers, in one way or another, fit the idea of something being the least favorable or least desirable, which is the core of the clue.

The Language of Negativity in Crosswords

It’s interesting to note how often negative words and phrases appear in crossword puzzles. Words like “worst,” “grim,” and “bleak” might seem gloomy, but they’re often used because they are concise and easily recognizable. In many cases, crossword creators rely on these kinds of negative terms to add variety to their puzzles, challenging solvers to think of less common ways to describe undesirable things.

Crosswords are not just about finding words but about understanding the subtleties of language. A clue like “least favorable” can lead solvers down a variety of paths depending on their knowledge and experience with certain words. This linguistic variety is part of what makes crosswords so engaging and intellectually stimulating.


The clue “least favorable NYT crossword” opens the door to a range of possible answers that reflect negativity, undesirability, or poor quality. Words like “worst,” “bleak,” “grim,” and “dire” are common solutions, offering clear and concise responses that fit neatly into the puzzle’s grid.

For solvers, tackling clues like “least favorable” is an opportunity to engage with the language of negativity in a thoughtful and creative way. Whether the answer is short and direct, like “worst,” or more complex, like “abysmal,” the challenge lies in identifying which unfavorable word best fits the puzzle’s unique structure.

By considering the various possible answers, solvers can broaden their vocabulary and deepen their understanding of how language can be used to describe the less desirable aspects of life.

FAQs About Least Favorable NYT Crossword

  1. What is the most common answer for the crossword clue “least favorable”?
    One of the most common answers for the clue “least favorable” is “worst.” This word directly describes something of the lowest quality or ranking, making it a frequent solution in crossword puzzles due to its simplicity and relevance to the clue.
  2. Are there longer possible answers for “least favorable” in the NYT crossword?
    Yes, some longer possible answers include words like “inferior” or “abysmal.” These words describe things of low quality or unfavorable nature but may appear in more challenging puzzles where a longer word is needed to fit the grid structure.
  3. Why is the word “bleak” a good fit for the clue “least favorable”?
    “Bleak” is a good fit for “least favorable” because it conveys a sense of hopelessness, harshness, or negativity. In crossword puzzles, this five-letter word is commonly used to describe situations or conditions that are far from desirable, making it a suitable answer for the clue.

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