Literally Our Thing NYT Crossword: Possible Answers

The New York Times Crossword is known for its clever and challenging clues, often drawing on cultural references, idioms, and even foreign languages. One such intriguing clue that may appear is “Literally our thing.” The phrase “Literally our thing NYT Crossword” requires solvers to think beyond the literal translation and consider its deeper cultural or linguistic significance.

Understanding the Clue: Literally Our Thing NYT Crossword

The phrase “Literally our thing” might not immediately reveal its meaning to all solvers. However, this clue is often linked to a well-known Italian phrase that has been popularized in various contexts, particularly in discussions about organized crime or close-knit groups.

Possible Answer: Cosa Nostra

The most common answer to the crossword clue “Literally our thing” is “Cosa Nostra.” This term directly translates from Italian to “our thing” or “our affair.” Cosa Nostra is widely recognized as the name for the Sicilian Mafia, an organized crime syndicate that originated in Sicily, Italy, and later expanded to other parts of the world, including the United States.

Cosa Nostra is used both by insiders to refer to the Mafia itself and by those discussing the organization in various media and academic contexts. The phrase has become synonymous with the Mafia, representing the secretive and highly organized nature of the group. In the context of a crossword puzzle, “Cosa Nostra” fits perfectly as an answer because it is a direct translation of “our thing,” capturing the essence of the clue.

Alternate Answer: Mafia

Another possible answer that might be encountered in crosswords for the clue “Literally our thing” is “Mafia.” While not a literal translation, the term “Mafia” is often used interchangeably with “Cosa Nostra” to describe the same criminal organization. It is a more general term that has been adopted in various languages to refer to organized crime groups with similar structures and codes of conduct.

The use of “Mafia” as an answer might appear in crossword puzzles where the grid requires fewer letters or when the puzzle is designed with a broader, less specific approach to the clue.

Cultural and Linguistic Context

The phrase “Cosa Nostra” has deep roots in Italian culture and language. It reflects not only the criminal organization’s operations but also a sense of ownership and belonging among its members. The term’s literal translation as “our thing” signifies a collective identity and a strong bond among the members, who often consider themselves part of a family, both literally and metaphorically.

In American culture, particularly in films, television shows, and books, “Cosa Nostra” has been popularized as a term associated with the Mafia. It has become part of the cultural lexicon, particularly in reference to the Italian-American Mafia. This widespread recognition makes “Cosa Nostra” a fitting and familiar answer for the clue “Literally our thing.”

Other Variants and Considerations

While “Cosa Nostra” is the most accurate and direct answer, and “Mafia” is a valid alternative, crossword solvers should be aware that the context of the puzzle might lead to different interpretations or answers. For example:

  • Syndicate: This term, while not a literal translation, might be used in some crosswords to describe an organized crime group, drawing on the idea of a collective “thing” or operation.
  • Clan: In some contexts, particularly in puzzles with themes around family or group loyalty, “Clan” might be a possible answer, especially if the puzzle plays with synonyms or related concepts.
  • La Cosa Nostra: Although less common due to its length, the full phrase “La Cosa Nostra” might be used in puzzles that allow for more characters or require a more formal expression of the term.


The clue “Literally our thing NYT Crossword” often leads to the answer “Cosa Nostra,” a term deeply embedded in Italian culture and widely recognized as the name for the Sicilian Mafia. However, alternatives like “Mafia” or other related terms might also appear, depending on the puzzle’s structure and thematic elements.

Understanding the cultural and linguistic background of “Cosa Nostra” not only aids in solving the puzzle but also provides insight into the rich and complex history of the phrase. Whether you’re a seasoned crossword solver or a curious beginner, knowing these possible answers will enhance your puzzle-solving experience and deepen your appreciation for the diverse references that make the New York Times Crossword a beloved challenge.

FAQs About Literally Our Thing NYT Crossword

1. What is the meaning of the crossword clue “Literally our thing”?

The crossword clue “Literally our thing” typically refers to the Italian phrase “Cosa Nostra,” which translates directly to “our thing.” It is widely recognized as the name for the Sicilian Mafia, an organized crime group with roots in Italy. This term encapsulates the group’s identity and collective purpose.

2. Why is “Cosa Nostra” a common answer in crosswords?

“Cosa Nostra” is a common answer because it is both a literal translation of “our thing” and a widely recognized term for the Mafia. Crossword creators often use culturally significant phrases like this to challenge solvers while also providing an educational or intriguing element to the puzzle.

3. Are there other possible answers to “Literally our thing” in crosswords?

While “Cosa Nostra” is the most accurate answer, alternative answers like “Mafia” might also appear. Although not a direct translation, “Mafia” is a more general term for organized crime and is commonly used in both English and Italian contexts, making it a suitable crossword answer.

4. What does “Mafia” signify when used as an answer to “Literally our thing”?

When “Mafia” is used as an answer to the clue “Literally our thing,” it refers to the broader concept of organized crime, particularly the Italian-American crime syndicates. Although it isn’t a direct translation, it conveys the same idea of a closely-knit criminal organization, making it a valid crossword solution.

5. Could crossword clues like “Literally our thing” have other cultural references?

Yes, crossword clues like “Literally our thing” might also refer to other organized crime terms or even similar phrases in different languages, depending on the puzzle’s theme. For instance, “Syndicate” or “Clan” could be possible answers if the crossword is playing on related concepts or synonyms.

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