Pushed Out of the Way NYT: Possible Answer is “Shunted”

Have you ever come across the crossword clue “Pushed out of the way” in the New York Times puzzle and wondered what the possible answer could be? One word that fits the clue perfectly is “shunted.” This word carries a specific connotation that aligns well with the idea of being pushed or moved aside, making it a strong candidate for the crossword solution.

In the world of crossword puzzles, understanding both the literal and metaphorical meanings of words can be the key to solving them. The word “shunted” is no exception. It’s a term that is not only used in transportation and engineering contexts but also metaphorically in various aspects of life. Let’s dive into what makes “shunted” a fitting solution for the clue “Pushed out of the way NYT.”

What Does “Shunted” Mean?

The word “shunted” is derived from the verb “shunt,” which means to push or pull something aside or move it to a different position. It originally comes from the railway terminology, where “shunting” refers to the process of moving a train from one track to another, usually to clear the way for other trains or for storage purposes.

In a broader context, “shunted” can also mean being moved aside in a more figurative sense, such as being disregarded or sidelined in a situation. This dual meaning makes it a versatile word that can be applied both in practical and metaphorical scenarios, which is why it works well for the clue “Pushed out of the way NYT.”

Usage of “Shunted” in Daily Life

Though “shunted” has its roots in railway systems, it’s often used in everyday language to describe situations where someone or something has been pushed out of the spotlight. For example, in a workplace setting, an employee might feel “shunted” when passed over for a promotion or important project in favor of someone else. Similarly, in social scenarios, a person can feel shunted if they are excluded from group activities or discussions.

This usage captures the essence of being “pushed out of the way NYT,” which is why “shunted” fits the crossword clue so well. It implies that something or someone has been deliberately moved aside, either physically or metaphorically.

Synonyms and Similar Terms

There are several words similar to “shunted” that may also be considered as potential answers for the clue “Pushed out of the way,” but “shunted” stands out because of its precise meaning. Here are a few synonyms that could be considered in different contexts:

  • Diverted: Refers to changing the direction of something, much like how traffic is diverted in case of roadblocks. However, this word lacks the implication of being pushed aside forcefully, which “shunted” captures.
  • Displaced: This word also means to be moved from one place to another, but it typically lacks the intentional force or purpose behind the movement, making it less fitting than “shunted.”
  • Sidetracked: Often used to describe someone being distracted or led away from their primary task. This term is close in meaning but typically focuses on a change of focus rather than a physical or deliberate movement out of the way.

Why “Shunted” Works Perfectly

When looking for a word that captures both the physical act of being pushed out of the way and the emotional or social aspect of being sidelined, “shunted” hits the mark. It’s a word that brings with it connotations of intentional redirection, whether it’s a train being moved onto another track or an individual being marginalized in some capacity.

Crossword puzzles like those in The New York Times often rely on words that can function in multiple contexts. This makes “shunted” ideal because it not only applies to situations involving physical movement but also to circumstances involving personal or professional displacement.

Contextual Examples of “Shunted”

To better understand how the word “shunted” fits the crossword clue, let’s look at a few examples in context:

  1. In a Railway System: “The freight train was shunted to a side track to allow the express train to pass through.”
    Here, “shunted” describes the literal action of moving a train aside to clear the path for another.
  2. In the Workplace: “After the new manager was hired, John felt shunted to less important tasks, despite his years of experience.”
    This example illustrates the figurative use of the word, showing how it can apply to someone being pushed aside in a professional context.
  3. In Social Circles: “She was shunted from the conversation as the group focused on discussing a topic she wasn’t familiar with.”
    Again, we see the metaphorical use of “shunted” to describe someone being excluded from a group discussion.

Final Thoughts

“Shunted” is a highly versatile word that perfectly fits the clue “Pushed out of the way” in The New York Times crossword. Whether it’s in a literal sense, such as in transportation, or in a figurative sense, like being sidelined in a social or professional context, “shunted” captures the essence of being deliberately moved aside. The word’s rich history and dual meaning make it an ideal answer for this crossword clue, offering both precision and depth.

Next time you encounter a clue like “Pushed out of the way NYT,” consider “shunted” as your go-to answer—it just might be the solution you’re looking for.

FAQs About “Pushed Out of the Way NYT: Possible Answer is ‘Shunted'”

  1. What does “shunted” mean in the context of the crossword clue “Pushed out of the way”?
    • “Shunted” refers to being moved or pushed aside, either physically or metaphorically. It originates from railway terminology, where a train is moved to a side track to make way for another train. In crossword clues, it captures the essence of being deliberately pushed out of the way.
  2. Why is “shunted” the best possible answer for the clue “Pushed out of the way”?
    • “Shunted” works well because it conveys both a literal and metaphorical sense of being moved aside. Its usage in both everyday language and specific fields like transportation makes it a versatile answer that fits the clue perfectly.
  3. Are there any other words that could fit the clue “Pushed out of the way” besides “shunted”?
    • While “shunted” is an ideal answer, other words like “diverted,” “displaced,” and “sidetracked” could also work in different contexts. However, “shunted” carries a more precise meaning related to deliberate movement aside, making it more fitting.
  4. Is “shunted” a common word in crossword puzzles?
    • “Shunted” may not be as commonly used as simpler words, but it’s a precise term that appears occasionally in more challenging crossword puzzles. Its specific meaning and versatile usage make it a good fit for clues related to being moved aside or out of the way.
  5. What is the origin of the word “shunted”?
    • The word “shunted” comes from the railway industry, where trains are “shunted” to side tracks to clear the main line. Over time, it has also come to be used metaphorically to describe someone or something being moved aside, either physically or in a social or professional context.

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