What To Expect When Installing Vinyl Fencing

When you’re ready to install vinyl fencing around your yard, understanding the steps involved can help you better prepare for the project. You’ll want to look at the time it will take to install, what needs to be done in the yard, and if you need to move anything. Working with a fencing professional can help you have everything ready when it’s time to install. Here are a few things to expect when installing vinyl fencing:

Make Plans and Prepare the Land

Before putting in a fence, you’ll need to know the style location. Vinyl fencing comes in colors ranging from white to cream and light blue. You can also choose capped tops for the posts to have more of a decorative option. A fencing professional may have samples or can answer any questions before moving on to the next step.

Several factors determine where the fence will be installed. These include the slope of the land, the type of soil, and obstacles like trees. Professionals measure the lawn to calculate how many posts and panels will be needed. They also help clear out the land so it is easier to insert the posts. They begin by taking out weeds, branches, or other obstacles, which can speed up the process.

Once the area is cleared, the holes for the posts will be dug out. Fence posts are reduced by one-third of their height, so a six-foot post would be reduced by two feet. The posts are placed in the hole and then cemented in. They need time to settle and cure to ensure the fence stays in place.

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Attach the Fencing Panels

When the posts have had time to cure, it’s time to install the panels. The posts have slits in them that you slide the panels through on each corner of the panel. This secures them in place and makes the fence stronger. All four walls will be installed and attached at the corners. If neighbors also have vinyl fencing, installers may connect them if approved beforehand.

Fencing professionals install the gates last. Depending on your preferences, they could go on one or both sides of your yard. Gates could be narrow enough for one or two people to walk through or wide enough to accommodate trailers or campers. They are reinforced so they’re strong enough to withstand constant opening and closing.

Take Installation Time Into Account

The time it takes to install a fence depends on several factors. Besides waiting for the posts to cure, you’ll also need time for the paneling to be ordered and delivered. If the company has them on hand, the installation will go more quickly. Clearing the land may also make the installation process take longer. Preparing it before the work begins can help installers dig the holes more easily and save time. 

Choose Vinyl Fencing for Your Yard

Fencing can help with curb appeal and make your yard more secure. There are several steps when installing the fence, including measuring, installing posts, and adding the paneling and gates. Ask a fencing professional any questions you might have about how to prepare your land or what fencing option they provide. 

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